WEDNESDAY 4th DECEMBER 2024 If someone had been only listening to much of the comments made on the evening of our second Monochrome competitions – PDI and Print – they could be forgiven for thinking we were discussing musical scores rather than photography. We had...
Mono Madness!
This week’s evening was one full of firsts: our first print competition of the season, our first monochrome evening of the season, and (most interestingly) our first ever hybrid evening, during which we got to enjoy both print and projected images on the same night!...
And so to the last of our Monochrome themed evenings for this season. Having enjoyed a guest speaker, put up with a rather disjointed editing session and shown off our PDI work, tonight it was all about the prints. David A was our entertaining host, channelling his...
Open PDI Competition No 3
The meeting this evening, held online, was our third open projected digital image competition of the 2023/24 season, critiqued and judged by Royston Williamson. Royston last judged at the club in April of this year, and is on the SPA judges panel. We had...
Mono PDI Competition 1 – 30th November 2022
On Wednesday night, 30th November, we welcomed Faith Lee as our judge for the above. Faith is a member of the Camping and Caravan Club – Photography Division, I presume, as I missed the opening exchanges between her and our fine host for the evening, Alfred C. From...
1st Mono Print Competition – 9th November 2022
It was our first Monochrome Print competition this week and the evening saw the welcome return to Photocraft of Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1* as our judge. i think it is fair to say that many photographers think monochrome is "tricky" or "difficult" to work with. Pat did...