Photography Challenge

Smartphone Photography Challenge No 1

Smartphone Photography Challenge No 1

Judged by club members Our meeting this week was held via Zoom, and involved members’ images that had been both taken and then edited on either a Smartphone or a tablet.  No more powerful or spacious laptop or desktop computers allowed (apart from a final...

Monochrome PDI Members’ Competition

Monochrome PDI Members’ Competition

This represented a different style of members’ evening that included a competition and an opportunity to discuss those photos that were most highly rated by fellow members. Members could enter up to three monochrome PDIs which went through a two-stage voting system...

In my humble opinion ..

In my humble opinion ..

So this week we tried something a bit different, with Chris R “volunteering” Brian C and Mark B (your blog author this week) to facilitate an evening of feedback on images submitted by members.  Both Brian and I were somewhat nervous about this as we are not...

Creative and Experimental Photography

Creative and Experimental Photography

Internal club evening The week we held an evening dedicated to creative and experimental photography, and talked about the images submitted for this session.  With an evening operating under this remit, as expected we had a very broad spread of styles and...

Our New Venue, plus Panel of Three Competition

Our New Venue, plus Panel of Three Competition

At last, here we were at our new venue, the spanking new Community Centre at St Patrick’s Church. What a contrast to the sombre, draughty echo-chamber of St Elpheges. I took a few snaps at the start and you can see how quickly everyone felt comfortable and at home...

Smartphone Photography Competition

We held a Smartphone image competition on the  16 November 2022, over Zoom, where submitted images could only be taken and edited on a Smartphone or tablet.  This competition was inspired by the enthusiastic reception to the talk given to the club by...

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