by Sep 13, 2023

A warm welcome to all, both returning and any new or potential members reading this!

It was great to be back at St. Patrick’s Centre and of course, this is now our first full season in the venue so we were able to enjoy the full splendour of the room on a rather warm September evening.

I must also mention Stephen Crawley as, without him, our meeting would have been in the car park! We were the only occupants of the centre and so, with no one else there, we would not have been able to open the main doors! Thank you Stephen!

Our new Chair, Alfred C welcomed all present and off we went, to look at some of the images that members have made over these past few weeks/months.

Your author today (that’s me, that is) started us off with a selection of images taken up on the North Yorkshire coast back in July. All were taken on the Google Pixel 7 Pro and all were edited on the phone with the Snapseed app (available both on Apple and Android.)

Whitby Abbey, early morning.

The above was taken a little after sunrise and the phone is balanced on a wall that surrounds the abbey and grounds – you otherwise have to pay to get in and it would not be open that early anyway.

Sunset over Whitby Harbour

This one is the following evening, from St. Mary’s Churchyard. I had forgotten that the harbour itself faces north so the light from the setting sun came directly into the churchyard.

Chris R shared some city images and discussed his thinking behind his editing choices.

London 2

The ever-changing City skyline which Chris felt was best in mono.

Prague side street

Chris told us this was a “day to night” edit and also shared his mono edit for comment. Some interesting observations were made.

Dave S had a trip to the Tate Modern and shared some of his work.

Mind the windows!

Dave spotted this chap as he walked over the Millennium (Wobbly) Bridge. Having watched him for a while, Dave took a few images and I am sure you will agree this one captures all elements really well – the ball, the racket and his pose as he goes to deliver his backhand.


Being Dave, he then gives us one to challenge our perception. What are we looking at? Is it the right way up? Well, first, it is lots of Venetian blinds and second, the image has been flipped left by 90 degrees. The blinds are hanging from the ceiling! Dave admitted it was a bit of a challenge to get lots of images there but he did what us photographers do and just shot what he saw.

Alfred then took us around a very nice part of the Turkish coast and gave us a look at the resort of Dalyan and the nearby Turtle Beach with some interesting facts behind the photos.

Ferry boat to Turtle Beach

Alfred has been to this part of Turkey many times and took us around the resort before we hopped on one of the many ferry boats to the two mile long beach. We don’t know who was sitting in the comfy looking armchair.

The beach is renowned for its turtles and is now a UNESCO protected site after a successful campaign to prevent a large hotel development at the heart of the area.

There is a turtle hospital there and much support from locals and tourists alike.

In Recovery at the Turtle Hospital

Here we see one on the mend and hopefully out and about again soon.

Andy B enjoyed a family holiday in North Wales and took in some of the famous landmarks in the region.

Menai Suspension Bridge

Andy took a boat along the Menai Strait and looking back, got this silhouette shot of the famous suspension bridge linking mainland Wales with Angelsey.

Snowdon by Train

Here is a more typical summer view that Andy took whilst on the Snowdon railway up to the peak. I really like the raindrops being the main focus rather than the view itself. Nice image.

Vince B also shared some recent work and I’ll be able to add some of these once I have the images to use. Thanks.

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