At last, here we were at our new venue, the spanking new Community Centre at St Patrick’s Church. What a contrast to the sombre, draughty echo-chamber of St Elpheges. I took a few snaps at the start and you can see how quickly everyone felt comfortable and at home...
Monochrome PDI Competition No 2 judged by David Eastley LRPS
Our second, and final, monochrome PDI competition of the season was held over Zoom on Wednesday 11 January 2023. The competition was judged by David Eastley LRPS, on his first ‘visit’ to our club. We had five Advisory Class (unscored) images for review...
Open PDI Competition No.2 – 14th December 2022
This, the last competition for 2022, was judged by Eddie Hyde FRPS. I don’t remember Eddie judging any of our past competitions and I wonder why. I thought his comments were pretty much on the ball, constructive, relevant and his marking was consistent with his...
Colour or monochrome? : Members’ evening
The meeting this evening, held via Zoom, was included in our programme to offer members an opportunity to discuss the various merits of colour versus monochrome images. The intent was to better understand the types of image that work well in monochrome, and to...
Mono PDI Competition 1 – 30th November 2022
On Wednesday night, 30th November, we welcomed Faith Lee as our judge for the above. Faith is a member of the Camping and Caravan Club – Photography Division, I presume, as I missed the opening exchanges between her and our fine host for the evening, Alfred C. From...
A Short(ish) Walk through Long Exposure. A talk by Paul Parkinson ARPS CPAGB BPE3
If like me you leave your camera set to aperture priority nearly all the time letting the camera figure out what shutter speed it needs, having to think instead of what shutter speed is best for my previsualised image feels like a topsy-turvy universe. So Paul’s...
Smartphone Photography Competition
We held a Smartphone image competition on the 16 November 2022, over Zoom, where submitted images could only be taken and edited on a Smartphone or tablet. This competition was inspired by the enthusiastic reception to the talk given to the club by...
1st Mono Print Competition – 9th November 2022
It was our first Monochrome Print competition this week and the evening saw the welcome return to Photocraft of Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1* as our judge.
From ‘Ackney to ARPS, a talk by Fred Barrington FRPS AFIAP
You will gather from the title that Fred is a Londoner and proud of it, although you’ll notice that his Honours now read FRPS not ARPS. He is a member of Beckenham and Malden Camera Clubs. The Royal Photographic Society award three levels of distinction, each...
Studio Night – Portrait lighting with ‘budget’ equipment
Our talk and demonstration this evening was again a session in the hall delivered by Joe F, providing us with further insights into the minimum equipment needed to achieve effective portrait lighting. This is the third portrait session provided by Joe, the other two...
On Wednesday 19th October, we had a fascinating talk from Caroline Preece. In her own words… “The objective of the talk is to introduce to people a different way of thinking about photography and composition. The first part of the talk covers photography as a visual...