Club Night

Open PDI Competition No.  4,  judged by David Lloyd LRPS

Open PDI Competition No.  4, judged by David Lloyd LRPS

Open PDI Competition No.  4 was judged by David Lloyd LRPS.  David travelled to us from the Dorking area and is a member of the United Postfolios of Great Britain organisation. He explained that this is a postal / online photographic organisation that...

Editing your images for monochrome, a talk by Brian

Editing your images for monochrome, a talk by Brian

Brian took the reins for this one and a fast and furious evening it was too. If you were familiar with the latest versions of Lightroom (LR) and Photoshop (PS) you most probably went away having learnt a lot, but newcomers would have found it a struggle, as indeed I...

Better late than never?!

Better late than never?!

Well it seemed like an OK idea at the time when I agreed to take a turn on the blog rota two days before going away on holiday, but with hindsight that probably wasn’t so wise as I completely forgot I needed to write something until this morning! Oops! Sorry for...

Open Print Competition No 2,  judged by Simon Bedwell  LRPS

Open Print Competition No 2,  judged by Simon Bedwell  LRPS

This week the club welcomed judge Simon Bedwell LRPS to the St Patrick’s Centre to judge our Open Print Competition No.2.  Simon is a member of the Tandridge Photographic Society, and visits us for the first time this week. The entry of 26 images were all to be...

Open PDI Competition No 3

Open PDI Competition No 3

The meeting this evening, held online, was our third open projected digital image competition of the 2023/24 season, critiqued and judged by  Royston Williamson.  Royston last judged at the club in April of this year, and is on the SPA judges panel. We had...

If you go down in the woods today (with Brian as your guide!)

If you go down in the woods today (with Brian as your guide!)

It’s a nice sunny day and maybe, like me, you decide to sling your camera over your shoulder and take an amble through somewhere like Banstead Woods to grab a few woodland shots. The sunlight twinkling through the leaves makes getting the exposure right difficult...

In my humble opinion ..

In my humble opinion ..

So this week we tried something a bit different, with Chris R “volunteering” Brian C and Mark B (your blog author this week) to facilitate an evening of feedback on images submitted by members.  Both Brian and I were somewhat nervous about this as we are not...

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