One Place, Four Seasons Photography Challenge

Member's evening

The club is asking members to take a photograph of the same place in each of the four seasons.; so we will see Spring 2024, Summer 2024, Autumn 2024 and Winter 2024/25, covering from the start of March 2024 to end of February 2025.The idea is to capture something throughout the year and see what the changes are. It does not have to be at the same moment in each season, e.g. the third Tuesday of the season, or at the same time of day (although that would be good). We will want to see a set of four images, of the exact same thing if possible.

We are planning to hold our review night in May 2025 so there will be plenty of time to fine tune in post processing from March 2025.
It will be really good to see what and where members choose to photograph Ð there is nothing out of bounds really but please choose something/somewhere that will be different in each season.

Location on Map

One Place, Four Seasons Photography Challenge

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