On Wednesday night, 30th November, we welcomed Faith Lee as our judge for the above. Faith is a member of the Camping and Caravan Club – Photography Division, I presume, as I missed the opening exchanges between her and our fine host for the evening, Alfred C.
From what I did get, I think Faith lives somewhere near the Sussex coast.
We had 40 images entered and chose to treat them as one set for the purposes of this competition. It was good to see that large number so a big thank you to all that entered work.
Faith did not hang around in her appraisals of each image. The occasional “Maybe crop…” or “…a bit more depth in the shadow areas…” showed that she had assessed what she was seeing, albeit without the more finely observed comments that we have been used to from other judges. Skies certainly caught her eye and I think all who work in monochrome recognise that the sky can play a huge part in making the mono edit work.
Faith fairly rattled through the images and used a full set of marks all the way up to 14, err…sorry 7. 😊. She chose to hold back 9 images and here they are:
Our winning image of the night is this great, wonderfully subtle capture of a horse from Dave S. Congratulations!
We had two more 10s:
Well done Roshan and Kevin.
On to our 9.5 awards:
Great work from Dave S and Roshan again and they were joined by David P.
Finally, those scoring 9
Well Done to Alfred, David M and Chris R.
Hmmm, I’ve still got around 55 minutes to fill…