This week a group of members (and one guest) gathered at the War Memorial beside Carshalton Ponds for a Photo Walk as the sun was setting, followed by a brief visit to the Cryer Centre after dusk fell.

The evening began with stalking the Herons and the Egyptian Geese at the water edge. Some of the geese were remarkably tame, and had we been equipped with suitable food would probably have taken it from our hand. The Heron were more disdainful, and kept slightly further way as well as in the trees above our heads.

The group then moved into Grove Park to look for images of the waterfall – which unfortunately was not flowing at the time. This may be a consequence of the prolonged drought this summer. We had to content ourselves with ducks and geese, as well as the ever curious squirrels. A single wagtail on the rocks was too quick for most of us to record, other than those with the fastest reactions, or the fastest lenses.
Dusk soon fell around us bringing the photography to an end, when those not rushing away to other engagements took a short walk to the Cryer Centre for a well earned refreshment.