Our new home has had its first club evening, its first PDI competition and its first guest speaker. To complete the set, we welcomed Peter Merry LRPS as our judge for our first Print competition – our Open Print 2 evening. Peter also teaches photography at a...
Monochrome PDI Competition No 2 judged by David Eastley LRPS
Our second, and final, monochrome PDI competition of the season was held over Zoom on Wednesday 11 January 2023. The competition was judged by David Eastley LRPS, on his first ‘visit’ to our club. We had five Advisory Class (unscored) images for review...
Mono PDI Competition 1 – 30th November 2022
On Wednesday night, 30th November, we welcomed Faith Lee as our judge for the above. Faith is a member of the Camping and Caravan Club – Photography Division, I presume, as I missed the opening exchanges between her and our fine host for the evening, Alfred C. From...
1st Mono Print Competition – 9th November 2022
It was our first Monochrome Print competition this week and the evening saw the welcome return to Photocraft of Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1* as our judge. i think it is fair to say that many photographers think monochrome is "tricky" or "difficult" to work with. Pat did...