Any evening that will involve ICM photography will have my vote – you all know this is one of my favourite styles of making photographs. As in many other forms of art or music, it can sometimes fall to one particular person to push something to the fore and suddenly,...
What makes a good photograph? An Evening with Steve Crawley
I remember after buying my first SLR, I would walk about with a 2:3 frame marked with the intersection of thirds and held it in front of me believing this was the secret of getting the perfect composition every time. I’ve moved on from that as it soon became obvious...
Smartphone Photography Challenge No 3 Critique by David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAO/G BPE* LBIPP
Our meeting this week took place using Zoom, and was dedicated to the subject of Smartphone photography, where all images had to be taken on and edited on a tablet or Smartphone. We had invited David Sadler to provide us with his critique of the images, and to...
Open print competition No. 2
Our judge this evening was Justin Cliffe, a successful street and travel photographer from Woking. Justin is a new judge on the circuit. Did he feel inhibited by the presence of his mentor Rosemary in the audience? Probably not. He started by acknowledging that...
Once upon a time, we budding photographers had to make our way to the back of a decent bookshop to find something that could help us learn and develop our techniques. Some many photo books were just the photos themselves and it wasn't easy to find the right book with...
Wow! That one word pretty much sums up my reaction to last Wednesday’s presentation. I could tell we were in for a good evening when our guest speaker - Ruth Grindrod - began her presentation with a quick overview of all the awards and accolades that she has won, and...
Arctic Adventures Number 3– Svalbard A talk by Mark B
Our talk this week was Part 3 the pursuit of sea ice in all its forms by Mark B. He travelled from London to Longyearbyen in Svalbard, via Oslo and Tromsø. This takes you about 2000 miles to the north. The arctic circle is about halfway between London and...
“I mean, the point is, that’s not the issue…”
… I contemplate this blog with the judge’s unscheduled sound loop still ringing in my ears (a Max Headroom moment?). But this was just a minor technical hitch that interrupted this evening’s ‘Fast and Furious’ themed Photography Challenge.The club committee have been...
Anyone for a mince pie?
Pre-Christmas busyness is obviously kicking in, as we had an unusually low number of members entering this week’s Smartphone evening, and a lower than usual turnout on Wednesday evening. I am also suffering from that same pre-Christmas busyness so my Christmas gift...
WEDNESDAY 4th DECEMBER 2024 If someone had been only listening to much of the comments made on the evening of our second Monochrome competitions – PDI and Print – they could be forgiven for thinking we were discussing musical scores rather than photography. We had...
WEDNESDAY 27th November 2024 On this Wednesday, we welcomed Penny and Spike Piddock (both DPAGB & EFIAP). They hail from Wyke Regis, between Weymouth and Portland. Both are members of Dorchester Camera Club and the British Society of Underwater Photographers. It...
Now where did my notes go .. ?!?!?
So I need to kick this week’s blog off with an apology: ironically for someone whose profession is within IT, I seem to have lost all of the (copious) notes that I took on Wednesday .. oops .. I’ll blame my iPad I think! The downside of this situation for...