
Open Print Competition No 2,  judged by Simon Bedwell  LRPS

Open Print Competition No 2,  judged by Simon Bedwell  LRPS

This week the club welcomed judge Simon Bedwell LRPS to the St Patrick’s Centre to judge our Open Print Competition No.2.  Simon is a member of the Tandridge Photographic Society, and visits us for the first time this week. The entry of 26 images were all to be...

Open PDI Competition No 3

Open PDI Competition No 3

The meeting this evening, held online, was our third open projected digital image competition of the 2023/24 season, critiqued and judged by  Royston Williamson.  Royston last judged at the club in April of this year, and is on the SPA judges panel. We had...

Projected Digital Image Competition No 1,      judged by John Nathan ARPS

Projected Digital Image Competition No 1, judged by John Nathan ARPS

Our first open projected digital image (PDI) competition of the club year was held this Wednesday 20th September, judged by John Nathan ARPS.  John has been a judge or provided talks at our club on many occasions, but this was his first visit to our new home. A...

PDI and Print Of The Year Competitions

PDI and Print Of The Year Competitions

It was a great pleasure as always to invite Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE AFIAP APAGB to judge our final competition to select the best of the best images entered this season. As there were fewer prints entered into our regular competitions this year, it was decided to...

Monochrome Print Competition No 2,                 judged by Keith Newton

Monochrome Print Competition No 2,  judged by Keith Newton

31 May, 2023 This evening we welcomed Keith Newton as our judge for our final monochrome print competition of the club year.  Keith is a member of the Woking Photographic Society as well as the Aldershot, Farnham and Fleet Camera Club, and an accredited judge. We...

Open PDI Competition No 3,                                       judged by Don Morley

Open PDI Competition No 3, judged by Don Morley

Our Open PDI Competition this week was judged by Don Morley, visiting our new venue at the recently completed St. Patrick’s Centre for the first time.  Don has been a long time visitor to the club as a speaker and a judge during many previous visits to our former...

Monochrome PDI Competition No 2                                   judged by David Eastley LRPS

Monochrome PDI Competition No 2 judged by David Eastley LRPS

Our second, and final, monochrome PDI competition of the season was held over Zoom on Wednesday 11 January 2023.  The competition was judged by David Eastley LRPS, on his first ‘visit’ to our club.  We had five Advisory Class (unscored) images for review...

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