Taking inspiration from the lyrics of The Teddy Bear’s Picnic, if you went down to Wallington High Street on Wednesday night, you were certainly sure of a big surprise! You would also have been forgiven for thinking that there might be a celebrity in town on account...
Monochrome PDI Competition No 2 judged by David Eastley LRPS
Our second, and final, monochrome PDI competition of the season was held over Zoom on Wednesday 11 January 2023. The competition was judged by David Eastley LRPS, on his first ‘visit’ to our club. We had five Advisory Class (unscored) images for review...
1st Mono Print Competition – 9th November 2022
It was our first Monochrome Print competition this week and the evening saw the welcome return to Photocraft of Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1* as our judge. i think it is fair to say that many photographers think monochrome is "tricky" or "difficult" to work with. Pat did...
On Wednesday 19th October, we had a fascinating talk from Caroline Preece. In her own words… “The objective of the talk is to introduce to people a different way of thinking about photography and composition. The first part of the talk covers photography as a visual...
Making the Most of Smartphone Photography – 28th Sept 2022
WE USED TO HAVE PHONES THAT TOOK PHOTOS. WE NOW HAVE CAMERAS THAT MAKE PHONE CALLS. We welcomed Jeanette Lendon (Jet) along to Photocraft on 28th September 2022. Jet runs Jet Black Squares https://www.jetblacksquares. After a career in teaching, when she had her own...
Welcome Back! Our New Season Begins – 7th September 2022
Yes, here we are again and welcome all to our 2022/23 season at Photocraft. Our opening evening was simply a run through the planned events of the season and to highlight that we have a distinct, separate period over the winter months when we will be online via Zoom...